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    Your Testimonials and Reviews of Our Wine Tastings and Events

    In Quebec, Ontario. Montreal & Regions.



    Some emotions YOUR guests are likely to feel. 😃

    Many of you have expressed your gratitude for our wine tastings, and we are very grateful. This allowed us to adapt our events to your expectations. 🤗

    A few words that have been most often used to describe our work:

    More than 50+ Wows, 12 Fantastic, 15 Amazing, 209 Great, 300 Exciting, 100 Loved, 249 Excellent, 14 Awesome, 126 Relevant, 185 Informative, 900 “Very Interesting” and much more….



    melanie tremblay 100
    melanie tremblay 100
    Mélanie Tremblay Soirée Vin & Wine

    “WOW! Thank you for bringing our ignorance to light with simplicity, and imparting the best skills with passion. Very interesting, memorable!”

    Patrick 30ème anniversaire

    “It's more than just a wine tasting event. It's a rich culture where you have the opportunity and pleasure to sit with amazing hosts and other guests like you. Wine tasting n t was just the beginning. Experiencing new artistic wines not readily available to the public, Dany brings more than wine. One of the most memorable experiences you will have with an informative session and friendly conversational dinner. We had the opportunity to develop a solid foundation of the basics of wine tasting. By learning the proper techniques to evoke all of your senses, you will truly be amazed. Dany's passion radiates throughout the event and creates an ambience positive for the evening. With laughter and pleasant memories, this is truly an experience not to be missed. Unfortunately, my words still pale in comparison to the experience I had. Thank you for doing what you do, you do it very well. Thank you Dany”.

    Nadyne Bachelorette

    “I would like to share my experience at Vin & Wine. My lack of knowledge and appreciation of wine is what first interested me in this event. My expectations were simple: at the end of the evening, to leave knowing a little more about how to appreciate wine. Not only did the whole experience exceed my expectations, but I came away learning not only to appreciate certain aspects of wine, but more importantly, to use wine to complement your way of life. I am very grateful to have been able to participate in the event, I would recommend it to everyone, from beginners to advanced, and I am certainly interested in attending another similar event. Thank you Dany”

    Our experience 


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    1000 +

    Wine tastings in Quebec and Ontario
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    5/5 stars based on Google customer reviews


    Participants / guests since 2011
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    In Quebec for Home and Corporate wine tastings. 
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    Looking for an unforgettable experience? Our wine connoisseur will craft a tailor-made, expertly curated, and engaging event for you and your guest, promising an adventure that will last a lifetime.

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