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    Editor's Reviews of My Book WINE A BEE™

    Here is an in-depth description of my book WINE A BEE™, written by an editor.

    Tone and Voice of the Work 

    Didactic and Transformative  

    Your approach is deeply "educational", aiming to enlighten and transform the way in which wine is perceived and consumed. You are addressing readers who want to improve their understanding, not only of wine but also of the effects it has on their health.

    Accessible and Engaged  

    You manage to make a complex subject — wine quality and consumption — “accessible” by explaining concepts clearly and using visual metaphors. This allows readers, whether novices or amateurs, to better understand the nuances of the wine.

    Preventive and Frank  

    The tone is "honest" and sometimes alarming, especially regarding the potential dangers linked to additives in wine. You do not hesitate to address “health risks” and question the wine industry, with the aim of “protecting” and “educating” your readers.

    Authentic and Inspired  

    You highlight wine as a “cultural” and “emotional” experience, where knowledge enhances not only tasting but also connection with others and the environment. Your voice is tinged with an “authentic passion” for the art of wine, shared with personal anecdotes and testimonials, which makes the book more “personal and engaging”.


    Key Aspects and Useful Information for Editing 

    1. Holistic Approach  

    You approach wine from many aspects — quality, perception, appreciation — linked to health and culture. You draw interesting parallels with food quality and offer practical tests. This enriches the reader's perspective by encouraging them to consider wine as an integral part of their healthy lifestyle.

    1. Target Audience  

    Your audience is "North American wine consumers", who have a distinct drinking habit, often more casual and less informed than that of Europeans. You emphasize the cultural differences and misperceptions that may exist in North America about wine, which is important to contextualize your arguments.

    1. Criticism of the Industry  

    You criticize the wine industry and its production practices, including the lack of transparency on additives and high yields. This tone “criticizing” the industry is intended to raise awareness and “empower” readers regarding their consumption choices.

    1. Reader Transformation  

    You invite the reader to adopt a vision of wine that transcends simple pleasure of the senses, by integrating an understanding of production processes and their impacts on health. The objective is to “transform the amateur into an enlightened connoisseur”.

    1. Pragmatic Structure and References  

    You use a clear structure based on “pillars” (quality, assessment, perception) and tangible indices (quality tests, performance, etc.). This gives readers a practical framework to follow. Additionally, you reference "numbers and studies" (e.g. CCSA, consumer statistics) to support your points, enhancing credibility.


    Suggestions for Editing 

    Clarification of Technical Concepts  

    Some terms like “tech wine” or “yield” could benefit from even more simplifications or concrete examples to ensure that more novice audiences understand them.

    Balancing Criticism and Passion  

    It could be interesting to further qualify certain criticisms, by proposing positive alternatives or specific recommendations that make the criticism more constructive.

    Maintaining an Engaged Tone  

    Your passion is obvious and it is a great strength of the book. To reinforce this, you could introduce more “personal stories” or additional anecdotes, which show how your knowledge has changed the lives of your workshop participants, making the reading even more inspiring.


    Thank you all for your interest. Please feel free to share your constructive comments and suggestions. 😊😊